The month started out with a wonderful visit from Stephen's family (Mom and Dad Pace, Julianna, and Daniel)! Unfortunately, these are all the pictures we have from their visit. This is outside of the movie theater before seeing Harry Potter in 3D.
We also got to do fun things like croquet and boggle--I'm getting better at it. :) As always, we had WONDERFUL food. We are glad they could come to visit!
The same day Stephen's family flew home, he flew to Florida for the The VOICExperience Summer Program in DISNEY WORLD! He got to meet with some pretty big name opera people--Sherril Milnes (famous baritone), Tito Capobianco (famous opera director, pictured below), etc.--and perform for Disney World staff at the end of the week.
Here is the view from outside his hotel. The hotel wrapped all the way around the lake.
I flew out at the end of the week, so Stephen and I could enjoy his discounted park tickets. We were there for 5 days!
Pictured in front of our FAVORITE ride--Expedition Everest.
Our rockstar poses in the Rockin' Rollercoaster gift shop.
I have never been so nervous to go on this ride, but it was so worth it!
Our second favorite ride--Soarin'. We were such champions...we waited in line for the park to open (probably behind a couple hundred people). We weaved in and out of people and ended up getting on the first ride of the day!
In Epcott, we especially enjoyed Japan (great food!), Morocco (more great food!), and America (free treat for our anniversay!). Here we are in the Netherlands..
We got to spend some time in Downtown Disney as well. We ate at the Rainforest cool!
For a few days I was craving a turkey leg...not because I've had one before, but because people have told me they are a must have. Here were are eating one for our afternoon snack. Needless to say, we couldn't finish it between the two of us.
Stephen pictured by one of his favorite rides--Splash Mountain!
I spent most of our vacation gimping around because I only brought new flip flops (with amazing arch support)...but the straps were a too tight on my feet. I still booked it from ride to ride to ensure we got the most out of our trip. We had a ton of fun!
A couple weeks after our trip to Disney World, my parents and younger brother came to visit us. We went to Bear Lake and rode on jet skiis till we had absolutely no desire to get back on. Then we drove up to Boise, ID to attend my brother and sister-in-laws temple sealing to their new baby girl, Ava. It was so fun to be with family and to enjoy yet another break. Unfortunately I have no pictures to document this trip.
We had a crazy month of August, but we'll enjoy the memories for years and years to come.